this is the time

this is not the time
for prayers and petitions
for pussyhats and placards
this is not the time
for candles and carnations
for comfort and crying
catharsis is needed, but
this is not the time
this is not the time
for letters and lawyers
for listening and learning
this is not the time
for fractures and factions
for fantasies of fairness
things may get better, but
this is not the time
this is not the time
for solitude and sadness
for symbols and silence
this is not the time
for countering with caring
for killing with kindness
when we’re dying but told that
this is not the time
this is the time
to snuff out our candles
and convene in the darkness
this is the time
to snip open our skirt seams
and snap off our high heels
we need to run faster
and this is the time
this is the time
to lay down our flowers
and raise up our freed fists
this is the time
to stop loving but losing
learn lysistrata, lorena
power’s not given, but taken
and this is the time
this is the time
to dust off wits and weapons
to convince kith and kin
this is the time
to get up though we’re tired
to rise up and resist
all we feared is here
and this is the time